A Bit About Phil
Hi, I'm Phil Davies and I'm the guy in the photo who looks way too serious!
I'm also the instructor you'll have to put up with should you decide to take any of the courses here at Draw Awesome.
You might know me from another art-based website called ArtTutor (how many art websites does one person need???) but more likely, you don't know from Adam. So here's my life story a little bit about my background...
At school, I was considered quite good at art because I could shade things realistically. However, I was no better than anyone else at drawing from observation. I had to trace or use the grid method and I never used anything other than pencils.
About 12 years ago, I taught myself to draw by eye. I did this with the help of my interest in the "science of learning" - a bit of a geeky muse I've had for some time and that's allowed me to acquire a number of skills to quite a high level (golf, martial arts, guitar).
Everything I know about drawing and how we learn is woven into my courses, and I've been fortunate enough to teach over 30,000 students now.
Anyway, enough about me! If you want to see some of my art and whether the styles appeal to you, take a look below or we can be friends on Intagram!
Best wishes,
Phil Davies
Chief Pencil Sharpener